Who We Are
Straight Road Mission was born out of a strong desire and passion to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and then further to see each one be healed and set free from the wounds that so often hold people captive, whether it's unforgiveness, bitterness, addiction, abuse, poverty, sexual sin, or a host of other issues. We come along side people and help them reach their full potential in their spirit, soul, and body.
This is achieved through 2 or 3 mission trips abroad per year, each lasting between 5-8 weeks. During this time the schedule is full of a variety of engagements: Pastoral Development, Equipping Parents, Empowering Women, and Preparing Youth.

Pastoral Development
We are strong believers in that you cannot give away what you do not own. Many pastors themselves carry heavy personal burdens, thereby limiting their impact in their churches. We come along side them and provide training and support for them to reach their potential in leadership.
Equipping parents
Raising a family can be a challenge for anyone, and when there are external factors like deep poverty and the effects of genocide, as well as a lack of education and access to resources, raising a family can be an even greater challenge. We provide practical teaching on how to parent as effectively as possible, with what they have available.

Empowering women
In many countries, the responsibility to provide for the family largely falls on the woman. Because the market is usually saturated with area specific micro-businesses already, we teach and equip women to think outside the box and come up with innovative, simple methods of making a dignified living.
Preparing youth
Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. We love working with youth, teaching and training them, and investing in them. We know the power of telling and showing them that they matter, that their voice is important and valued.
We do this through very intentional mentoring and when possible, providing opportunity to operate in their sphere of interest and talents. We teach them the importance of living sexually pure lives, to work hard, and to humbly serve others.

Where We've Helped
United States
South Africa
Dominican Republic
United Arab Emirates
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
Fredick Beuchner