Bringing Wholeness in Body, Soul & Spirit
The ravages of genocide and poverty run deep in many of the countries we go to. Many children have no parents, or parents that have absolutely no means to provide for a family. While mass feedings and food distribution are by no means a solution, they do temporarily fill the bellies of the hungry.
We also sponsor children to attend school, ensuring they have a brighter future.
We provide teaching and support on simple business endeavours, such as cooking pancakes, or making bead work, to sell on the street so as to provide for the family.

The effects of a wounded spirit on the soul - the mind, will, and emotions - can greatly hinder a person's mental and emotional health. By addressing every aspect, transformation and restoration is made possible.
Through teaching God's Word - the Bible, on relevant topics. This takes place in various venues such as churches, homes, prisons, radio, businesses, high schools, colleges, outdoor crusades, and sometimes under beautiful shade trees.